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How much turbulence can a plane take?

If you’re a nervous flier, then this video will help. It shows the rigorous testing of the plane’s wings before it takes its first flight.

Boeing put this 777 wing through 150% more than the strongest turbulence it will encounter until it eventually snapped. You can even see the ripple effect of the wing test on the fuselage. But you can rest assured, no amount of scary turbulence is going to bring your plane down!

Have a look at the test here:

YouTube video

And if that doesn’t satisfy you completely, here is my 5 Things You Need To Know About Turbulence blog >>>


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Hi, I'm Megan Singleton and I'm the word slinger of this travel blog as well as on radio in NZ every Sunday. Former Travel Editor at Yahoo NZ and current freelance writer for a few newspapers and mags from time to time, I set off on this travel writing journey 20 years ago and I've pretty much always got a suitcase half packed (or half un-packed!) I'd love you to join me on Facebook or Twitter and sign up for my newsletters if you want loads of travel tips, advice and deals!